This blog will let you know about me, my thoughts and oppinions on EVERYTHING! And I'm also wanting to give advice from my personal experiances, which will be written about.
Published on May 7, 2004 By Lindsey Ford In Welcome
Well well well, this is my new blog. Greetings from Central Missouri! I will be your hostess Lindsey! Yeah, I know that was corny but this is MY BLOG! And if you don't like it then SCRAM! Go, please, I don't want a hater reading my blog. j/k. Anyway, I will write about my personal expericances good and bad, mostly bad, I will write about friends and family and enemies and I'm not going to be afraid to put them down, I'll try not to do that often, I'll write about our government and all that crap, and I'll write about religion, I know it causes A LOT OF ARGUEMENTS but just to let you know IT'S ONLY MY OPINION! And just because I put somthing or someone down doesn't mean I hate it or them. It's only me getting it off my chest. Okay with that said let's get to know me. Well, I live in Central Missouri (near Jefferson City) the "GREAT CAPITOL" I was born on October/12/1987 in Ogden, Utah lived there for a couple of months, then moved to Nevada lived there until I was about 2 or 3 and now I live here in Missouri. But I plan on moving back to Nevada when I'm 18. I'm a highschool dropout. Which is no thing to be proud of. I droped out because I felt so uncomfortable with the kids. I know what you're thinking "how in the world does she think she's going to make it in Nevada" the answer? I don't know. But I do know that I want to get as far away from Missouri as possible. You'll know why after you read my future posts. My hobbies are: Writing, hanging out with my friends (I only have 3) exercising, being outdoors, reading, watching anything that's funny on TV (South Park anything on Comedy Central) riding fourwheelers, watching hott guys at the motocross races, and I'm hoping to get into clogging. I've always wanted to clog dance. But yeah, I also like laughter. I think it's the best thing for a human. Ellen DeGeneres, George Carlin, Tom Green, and the fellas' from Jackass inspire me. But my biggest inspiration is my Grandma Kemp. Grandma I love you! Anyway... I hope you will enjoy my thoughts and what not. And if I offend anyone or hurt anyone I'm sorry, this isn't meant to hurt anyone. It's simply my way of getting things off my mind.
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